Tag - SIC

Jewelry Trade Center

Silicon Craft Technology PLC and Jewelry Trade Center jointly developed the product anti-counterfeiting system by using NFC technology

Online product trading market has been growing continuously nowadays. Making online purchase or sell across the global are much more convenient, including gems and jewelry trading. However, there is the limitation on expertise of buyers for this product category, some...


How to find sick livestock?

From the previous blog, we have introduced the Animal Identification Tag (Animal ID) and its basic applications. In the blog, we will describe more applications in which animal tags can help to manage and control the farm better.  The problems mainly...


Keep your home safe with Smart Lock

echnology disruption has occurred in every single minute with all hardware and software. It moves forward and everything is disrupted itself. It indicates that society is moving forward to support people’s life to be more convenient, modern, smart, and secure. Now, we are in a period of the technology is...

Animal ID-Smart Farm

Leverage your farm to be smarter with Animal Tag

Over the last century, the global population has quadrupled. This growth is driving up global food demand. Also, consumers have more concerns about food quality, hygiene, and safety. This demand makes the farmers worldwide need to increase crop and meat production as...