Online product trading market has been growing continuously nowadays. Making online purchase or sell across the global are much more convenient, including gems and jewelry trading. However, there is the limitation on expertise of buyers for this product category, some may be uncertain whether they receive genuine or counterfeit products, or even low-quality products, and question that they are from the original manufacturer or not. Since gems and jewelries are considered as high value products, the risks for buying them online is also high which may cause the buyer to waste a large amount of money on receiving the false products.
Jewelry Trade Center, the largest center for jewelry trading in Thailand, realized that this is an important issue which should be taken care of. Resulted in the creation of the online marketplace “JTCWOW” where all gems and jewelry products are traded with confident in product selection, product inspection, product guarantee, and product delivery by using NFC technology developed by Silicon Craft Technology PLC for implementing the secure packaging. JTCWOW selects Hero Product via the gem inspection process in the Lab Certificate at AIGS and pack the certified product in the box sealed with NFC sticker which contain important information of the products. When the purchaser received the package, they can check with NFC smartphone if the box has been opened by any person before it has been arrived or not. It can also show the product information which will ensure that they are receiving authentic products.

There is a technology that can help to assure the authenticity of the products and it cannot be copied, imitated, or reproduced by anyone which will also protect the brand owner. SIC has adopted this technology to become the special feature in the NFC microchip which the technology is called “Rolling Code.” Each NFC microchip is a Unique Identifier which cannot be duplicated. Every time the product inspection is made, the Rolling Code will be newly generated specifically at each inspection and will be sent to the server. The server will be noticed immediately to identify this code as well as the status of the products. Therefore, the Rolling Code cannot be reused by any means. Consumers only require using the NFC mode on their mobile phone to tap and read the information from NFC microchip attached on the product to immediately check if the product is genuine.

In addition to the Rolling Code, another special feature is that we can check if the package has been opened unexpectedly by any person who may wish to damage the products packed inside. If the package has been opened, it will be recorded in the chip which will be sent over the server to update the status. The data will not be able to adjust or change even though someone try to repack the package to the same condition. This special feature proves the authenticity of products and identifies whether they are from original seller, or they have been switched to counterfeit products.
SIC created this innovation for anti-counterfeiting by using NFC microchip which has the Rolling Code and the Tamper Evidence Detection with JTCWOW products, especially for the delivery process from online seller. Not only the purchaser can easily identify the right products on arrival, but the seller can also prevent damages from counterfeiting effectively.